Monday, November 17, 2008

Dumb Cunt of the Day Award

Here is the thing:

I hate the world. I really do. I'd like to simply make observation after observation of the stupid things that piss me off because really, that's just fun.

However, given our recent regime change I find there is a glut of idiot bloggers spouting out bullshit pretty much...well..everywhere. So I think I'm going to introduce my official "Dumb Cunt of the Day" award. I can't promise its daily, but I will promise you that the posts will be dumb...and written by fucking cunts.

Today's award goes to some stereotypical Mormon housewife.

You'd think that as a Mormon housewife, she'd know her job is to give birth and shut the fuck up. But she spoke. About OMGPOLITICS. And you KNOW exactly where she's gonna stand on everything because, well, she's a cunt Mormon housewife. This is nothing new. But what gets her the award is the level of inanity, idiocy, ignorance and disrespect towards her own gender displayed in this post about the Freedom of Choice Act . (And by the by? Don't bother pointing out the irony of me noting disrespect towards one's gender while I use the word cunt like its going out of business. I'm cool with that word. If you're hung up on it you can go fuck yourself."

First off: What IS the Freedom of Choice Act? If you google it, you mostly see a number of Anti Abortion sites. You actually don't see a whole lot about it on planned parenthood or NARAL, at least not after a quick glance because Anti Abortion activists simply have talked about it a lot more. Its a bill (that neither house wants to pick up) that would "abolish all restrictions and limitations on the right of women in the United States to have an abortion prior to fetal viability, whether at the State or Federal level." From what I've noticed, Anti Abortion activists jump on this because their fear is that OMG NOW YOU CAN HAVE AN ABORTION AT ANY TIME EVEN IF ITS THE DAY BEFORE THE BABY IS DUE!

But do you know what the actual effect of this Bill would be?

TO CODIFY THE TENANTS ROE V. WADE AND REMOVE UNCONSTITUTIONAL RESTRICTIONS. In other words, while this would have the effect of reaffirming the right to abortion access as originally envisioned in Roe. (Which I suppose would undue some of the cutbacks set forth in Casey, et. al...and reverse the deceptively named "Partial Birth" abortion ban which those of us with the ability to tell fact from rigamarole know is not what the anti abortion activists want you to think it is. While many groups are claiming this is something broader than Roe, its simply not, which if you know anything about the effect of this kind of'd realize is the case.

Which brings us back to dumb cunt housewife. Of course she's in opposition, but her reasoning is just so....well, it speaks for itself:

Point by point:

And if you are one of those pro choice people. The choice comes when the woman participates in intimacy. That was her choice to be intimate or not! Oh and there is also the choice to use birth control which is available in all forms and easily accessible.


Do I actually have to say anything here?

I don't think I do. I mean, ok - if you're going to be cliche, can you at least provide some insight other than "she choose already!" Its not just unwarranted outrage, its unoriginal. Color me...bored.

[And besides, birth control isn't always accessible. There is a growing lobby of pro life pharmacists who won't dispense birth control. - what does she think of that? If she's so pro life, wouldn't she support this? I mean, what then? I'm curious on this one.]

Of course, she goes on:

In the case of Rape, I can understand the heartbreak and emotional pain and anguish, however through the millions of support groups around the world, they can have a healthy pregnancy and place the baby for adoption. Adoption, why is that not part of the pro choice debate?

Ah yes, lets speak nothing of the potential for PTSD, economic loss, physical problems resulting from pregnancy...yeah, that's nothing. Nothing at all. And lets also consider the fact that unless you are white and drug free...that child is probably not going to be adopted. (Not to mention as a Mormon, this dumb cunt would never want these children adopted by gays...who are often willing to adopt some of these children that no one else will touch.)

And regarding her last point...what the fuck does one have to do with another? PRO CHOICE MEANS PRO CHOICE: PRO HAVING THE RIGHT TO DECIDE WHAT BECOMES OF A CHILD YOU DIDN'T WANT TO BEGIN WITH.


Actually, I'm not particularly sure why this cunt is my dumb cunt of the day award as she's representative for pretty much any person I've ever met who is anti abortion. (Really, have YOU ever met an intelligent person who wasn't in favor of keeping choice legal? I mean, I've met people who philosophically opposed...but agreed it needs to be legal regardless...)

Though I suppose its worthing noting that this cunt also supported the previously mentioned prop 8 which was of course, predominately supported by mormons.

So really, she's just typical of everything I hate in a person: vapid and ignorant as all hell. And extra hatred points for the fact that she has no life outside of watching her kids and clearly has no goals either since she lives through her husband.

In sum, fucking cunt.

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