Friday, October 24, 2008

"What is worse...institutional discrimination or calling people bigots who really really don't want to be called bigots?"

Captain Jack spoke of California's Proposition 8. If its passed, gay marriage will no longer be recognized in California.

Now, here is my angle:

Marriage is stupid and should be abolished. But that's not gonna happen. So who cares if gay people get married too?

Its worth noting that the Mormons are a large part of the "Yes on Proposition 8." You can see their idiotic site trumping their stupid cause here.

The short version? They feel threatened. I suggest reading the ranting of one insane cunt to get an idea of their argument. You'll note she doesn't cite to any sources. You'll also note that the lack of information and sources resembles the same sort of half truths that were thrown around a couple decades ago when the ERA was presented for Congress. (OMGZ! THERE WILL ONLY BE COED BATHROOMS!) These kind of half truths over look the fact that religious organizations that accept state/federal funding have to abide by whatever law is in place. And this can vary. (Also, why did that idiot bring up something going on in Canada? The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the U.S. Bill of Rights -and consequently, how all subsequent law has been interpreted - are largely inapposite. )

Anyhow, this brings me to a point that may at first seem a bit contradictory:

I fucking hate bigots, but I hate Mormons more. And I'll argue that is not a contradiction because my hatred isn't based on their ridiculous little religion in and of itself. (Though why they get any more respect than Scientologists is beyond me)...its the entitlement these people bring with them.

Most bigots - especially good old fashioned Jesus freaks - are just up front with their hatred. They may use the Bible as an excuse, but your typical redneck will tell you they hate gays because they are "unnatural" and blacks because they are black. Mormons do all of this, though they do it with a smile and claim they are preserving something of great importance to them.


Its pretty well known that the Mormon explanation for the the African race is that these were people who had the "mark of Cain" and were thus, wicked and evil. This attitude lingered for years. It was not until 1978 that Black men were allowed to hold the priesthood or even enter a Mormon temple. Apparently, despite years and years of racist suddenly became OK with LDS leaders as God THEN AND ONLY THEN gave church leaders a "new revelation!!!"

I think its pretty funny that God decided to tell them Black people were A-OK just as soon as the LDS church almost lost its IRS tax exempt status over its institutionally racist policies. Because in the end, it came down to the almighty dollar.

The Mormons were already forced to give up polygamy. They were forced to give up their racist doctrine. Both for the almighty dollar. And that is exactly what this comes down to now. They martyr themselves with rants about the "loss of religious freedom" when the truth is they NEVER have to recognize gay people or their rights...but they can't expect the government is going to grant them tax exempt status. THIS is the real threat...the loss of money. And this is where the entitlement comes from. Their mission from God is really just a mission for money.

And that's just sad.

I'd like to think someday we can live in a world where we don't have to deal with legions of blonde, big toothed Utah transplants trying to take away from the legitimacy of Sulu's marriage.

But sadly, this will probably never be the least not in my lifetime.

I hope you enjoy your tax exempt status, Mormons. Someday you'll lose it for your discriminatory practices and I'm sure the ghost of Joseph Smith will return to tell you that God says gay people are OK now too.

* Quote in the subject line found on Too good not to use.

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